“Learn to use Local Rough Cut Lumber to Build Your Dreams!”
Barn Style House Plans

So you need barn style house plans. Maybe you have seen barn style houses in magazines, or pole barn house plans in books, or even timber frame house plans somewhere on the internet, either pintrest or instagram.
If your anything like me you looked up the price for one of those timber frame home kits and your jaw hit the floor! The price they want for one of those kits is astronomical! Unless you are made of money, there is no way to afford to build a timber frame house.
But, did you give up? Nope! You didn’t get where you are today by giving up, and your not going to give up on your dream today are you? You have found creative solutions to problems like this in the past, and you will find a solution for finding the farm house plans you need this time too.
Make Your Own Timbers
If you are smart, savvy, and a do it yourself-er with a git-er-done attitude you must have thought to yourself…
“There has got to be a way to get barn style house plans, that I can use to build my home at a reasonable price!”
“I mean, shoot there are plenty of trees around these parts, and timbers are made from trees right?”
Maybe you can build a great barn style house from the trees on your own property! Or maybe your neighbors would sell you a few trees for a reasonable price.
I bet you thought to yourself,
“If I can get trees, and make them into timbers on a sawmill, or hire a sawmill owner nearby to cut them for me… I bet I can save a ton of money building my dream barn home!”
But where do you start?

The Right Barn Style House Plans for You
Maybe you have the desire and motivation to build a barn style house, but you don’t know how to design your own frame or even how to size the timbers.
It is then that you realize, you need barn style house plans… So you typed those words into your favorite search engine, and voila you stumbled upon this website called BarnGeek.com. Congratulations! You have already taken the first step to make your barn style house plans a reality!
The barn style house plans you need are right here on this page.
But, hold your horses for a second, I have to make a disclaimer here or my lawyer is going to have a cow. These barn plans are designed as barns… ie agricultural buildings. They are not designed for, nor intended to be used as barn style house plans. If you purchase these plans you agree that you understand that they are intended for agricultural use only and if you use them for any other purpose you do so at your own risk.
Now that that is out of the way, we can get down to the brass tacks so to speak.

From Barn to Home
I have had many many customers use these plans to build barn style homes with great success. They would download their favorite pole barn house plans from our barn plans library and take it or email it to their local building department and let them know they are planning to build a barn style house from these plans. Most of the time they were able to build their timber frame house without having to make any tweaks to the plans.. Others have had to tweak a couple small things before final approval.
Some building departments require engineer or architect stamped plans. If that is the case, you will have to find a local architect or engineer to stamp your plans. Many have a policy of only stamping their own plans, so you may have to have them draw new plans based on the barn style house plans you get from our barn plans library.
Even if that’s the case in your area, it is still well worth the small fee for downloading plans from the library, just to have a design that the architect can start from. You will save yourself and the architect hours upon hours of work trying to communicate what you want. If you have a set of plans that demonstrates what you want, then you will have saved yourself hundreds of dollars in preliminary design fees from the architect or engineer.

Think of it as a cheat sheet for your custom barn style house plans.
The barn plans are linked below, they are only available in our barn plans library.
Even if you only need one, I would encourage you to purchase the library of barn plans. There are video tutorials on building your barn home, including tips on finding timbers locally, and construction methods that will save you a ton of time and money.
Not to mention the fact that almost every design goes through many changes from concept to reality. It would be worth while to have options available to you when or if you need them.
The Homesteader
- These Plans that are well suited for the small homesteader with a small amount of livestock.
- Limited to our Barn Plans under 1,000 square feet.
- Chicken Coop Plans Library
- Timer Frame Shed Plans Library
- How to Build a Barn Course
- Chicken Coop Course
Most Popular: The D-I-Yer
- Our Complete Library of Barn Plans
- Chicken Coop Plans Library
- Timer Frame Shed Plans Library
- How to Build a Barn Course
- Chicken Coop Course
Read More about Post and Beam Barn Kits below.
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