by Steph Sharma | May 24, 2021
Steel building likely put up in the late 1970’s. Approximately 41′ x 22′. Wooden supports and wooden framing. We are planning to build a new barn in the same spot as this shed and need more space. Stalls (Behlen) can go if the barn is being...
by Leroy Rademacher | May 9, 2021
Curved roof barn built about 1907. Barn is about 34 x 50 and about 40 feet in height. Many good 10 x 10 beams up to 50 feet in length. 26 roof ribs and a cut stone foundation. Barn contained a milking parlor, granary, hay lofts and drive though barn floor. Also...
by Tammy DaSilva | May 7, 2021
This is an old barn that was put up with very little nails as it looks like it was pegged together. I don’t know the age as I just purchased the property. The house on the property was built in 1750s. Best offer
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