46×30 Gambrel Horse Barn Plans
22×30 Gambrel with 2 12×30 lean-to’s

Imagine riding up to this horse shelter after a long day of trail riding through the mountains. The graceful slopes and elegant hay hood mimic snow capped rocky mountain peaks. What better way to end a rewarding day on the range then to shelter your horse up in a barn design that is worthy of its setting.
We gave this beautiful barn a generous 22′ center span, a single 6 inch by 10 inch timber supports the a spacious loft at every bent. The lean to’s or “wings” on each side of this Great Gambrel Cathedral are 12 feet wide and stretch the full length of the horse barn. You can use these lean to’s for stalls, tack room, wash room, feed room, or just about anything else. Turn the whole thing into a barn home and use the lean-to area for a kitchen. These big timber frame barns are very flexible and give you as many possibilities as you can imagine.
If these horse barn plans aren’t big enough for your ranch simply double the barn’s length and you will have a 46×60 barn, or even triple it and have a 46×90 Gambrel that can house your best horses.
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The Homesteader
- These Plans that are well suited for the small homesteader with a small amount of livestock.
- Limited to our Barn Plans under 1,000 square feet.
- Chicken Coop Plans Library
- Timer Frame Shed Plans Library
- How to Build a Barn Course
- Chicken Coop Course
Most Popular: The D-I-Yer
- Our Complete Library of Barn Plans
- Chicken Coop Plans Library
- Timer Frame Shed Plans Library
- How to Build a Barn Course
- Chicken Coop Course
Solid Steel Plate Timber Brackets
We have put together all the hardware you need to build this majestic post and beam barn! All the plates, brackets, and timber screws are there.

Hardware Kit for this barn includes....
32 T-plates
19 U-brackets
250 ct 3/8 x 8″ RSS screws
500 ct 5/16 x 5 1/8″ RSS screws
500 ct 5/16 x 4″ RSS screws
Request a quote by emailing [email protected] with your name, address, and the barn you are interested in.
Hardware Pricing
4 hole strap plates
(2 needed for each connection)
$44.99 per piece Bare Steel
$54.99 per piece Powder Coated Black
6 hole strap plates
(2 needed for each connection)
$44.99 per piece Bare Steel
$54.99 per piece Powder Coated Black
T plates
(2 needed for each connection)
$54.99 per piece Bare Steel
$64.99 per piece Powder Coated Black
Plus plates
(2 needed for each connection)
$64.99 per piece Bare Steel
$74.99 per piece Powder Coated Black
U brackets
$54.99 per piece Bare Steel
$64.99 per piece Powder Coated Black
2-Stage U brackets
$64.99 per piece Bare Steel
$74.99 per piece Powder Coated Black
*Due to supply chain issues we no longer include bolts/nuts with plates or brackets. We recommend using local sources, like TSC (tractor supply) or online sources like Bolt Depot.
*shipping is not included
We also offer RSS Screws:
3/8" x 8" RSS (Timbers)
250 ct $349
5/16 x 5 1/8" RSS (Purlins)
250 ct $149
5/16" x 4" RSS (Girts)
250 ct $129