Story by Andy Yates in Texas
I found Barngeek web site in the midst of my research to find “the barn” . After retiring in December 2013 I ordered plans for the 30 x 40 gable barn. It took me a while to really commit to getting started as I continued to toy with other designs. Finally, I decided, “what the heck, I can do this.” So, I prepped the rough site that I had originally built with a bulldozer in 2011. I leveled and smoothed the fill dirt with my tractor in July and augured out pier supports. By early August I was ready for concrete and we poured the slab on August 7th.
In the mean while I had shopped for a source of timbers and found a small sawmill in East Texas using Craigslist. I hired a guy to haul it to my ranch and had most of the bent lumber in place by early September. I built the bents pretty much alone during October and November. Then, after lots of hand wringing I decided to seek “professional help” for standing up the bents and putting on the roof. I figured the solo approach clearly was not an option and I doubted that I had enough skilled friends who happened to have a week or so free to help me stand things up. That was the best decision I have made on this project so far. The crew is decking the roof today and it should be in the dry by tonight.
where did you find these plans? cant seem to find them on BG web page. Also, what was the cost to weather in your building? (Frame skin and sheeted roof) Thanks
You can find the plans to this barn here.
What’s the name of the mill? What is the size and length of the timbers for the bents? What is the general dimensions of the barn and layout?
Runquist sawmill — it is near Mt. Enterprise, TX. He has a Facebook page and advertises on Craigslist.