Story by Dane in Unadilla NE
This Horse barn was built in 1900 and sit atop a 160 acres of crop and pasture land. No longer used by my family cattle business it has now become my project for a residence.
I am amazed at how calming it is while working on the site and how the ideas keep flooding in. The seven year plan is to be grid free by use of solar photo-voltaic panels and plenty of free water from three separate wells.
Currently I have removed all of the mangers saving all of the lumber for use in creating new stairways.
On my next trip up I plan on tilling up the manure in order to get down to terra firma. This task will require a tiller and our manure spreader. Some of the people I know have given me the idea that this manure should be sold to the people who have gardens and lawns.
I get excited in thinking I could recycle the manure for money that I could put into the project. As I always look for ways to make money and recycle I have contacted other land owners with buildings falling in and offered to remove the building for the materials. I have not started any demolitions for others as I have one more building to take down on the property.
Another issue I have is not being able to find more information on transforming an existing barn into a residence and what pitfalls there may be. As I move thru my ideas I have tons of questions.
I’m tempted to buy a wood planer to clean up the salvaged wood and wonder how I’m going to clean the existing beams and walls of the fly specs and mud dobber dirt.
Finally looking for additional ideas for walls using corrugated metal siding in trying to keep the project agriculturally compliant. At this time I am considering pouring a concrete floor to meet up with the stone foundation.
Before I started the project I invited the Building Official out to help guide me through the permit project and answer some basic questions. He was eager to help and stated they would back my efforts 150%.
My concern was the foundation but that was not an issue. So, this is my barn project and I look forward to using this site for more information.
Not sure if my on going Barn Project information should be posted as a comment. The current update as of 25 May 2015 is I’m on task. All of the manure has been removed to the terra Firma and I’m starting to get estimates for pouring the 4″ slab. I really love the Barn Geek site and look forward to getting involved in a Forum with others that want/have converted an existing barn into a residence. I still look through the site for information and what’s new in projects as well as barns for sale. Thank you for this site.
Thank You for your story!
One piece of advice for you would be to use an orbital sander for fly specks and rough edges on the wood you want to clean up.
For the really dirty stuff use a pressure washer, just don’t put the nozzle too close, or it will blow out the wood fibers.