Here is what some of our customers say about us
Job done from Barn Geek drawings!
Build a Barndominium Like Robert Did! It starts with the Plans. To get the exact Plans that Robert used Choose the D-I-Yer option Below!
The Homesteader
- These Plans that are well suited for the small homesteader with a small amount of livestock.
- Limited to our Barn Plans under 1,000 square feet.
- Chicken Coop Plans Library
- Timer Frame Shed Plans Library
- How to Build a Barn Course
- Chicken Coop Course
Most Popular: The D-I-Yer
- Our Complete Library of Barn Plans
- Chicken Coop Plans Library
- Timer Frame Shed Plans Library
- How to Build a Barn Course
- Chicken Coop Course
Been a few years, but absolutely love the plans I got from you. The plans were amazing. Here’s a quick picture from my window of the two buildings we put up thanks to you.
We love our barn plan.
We have done some modifications on the front structure and added a tower. But we have built it ourselves, from raw lumber with the help of my 85 year old dad and two brothers.
I built the horse barn plan this fall from ash Timbers I milled by by hand with my chainsaw. Just have siding and doors to do. Turned out great. Appreciated your support along the way. I plan to build the 20’x30’ barn for my garage when I get to that point.
All beams are cedar highline post. Thanks for all the help
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Attached are photos of the barn we build using your plans and a great contractor.
we wanted to let you know how much we love our new barn! I’ve attached a photo of the 1st snowfall.
Thanks again for all your help,
I turned 70 last year, and retired at age 66. A timber frame Barn does take time, and more planning but a great accomplishment. I hope guys like us inspire more guys to keep doing what they enjoy.
Aaron you have been a big part in keeping our Grandfathers history, and heritages from being forgotten. You should be proud of your accomplishments, and the help you have passed on to others.
I have always enjoyed working in the woods, and at the saw mill.
Lucky for me a close neighbor has a saw mill, so its convenient.
Three years ago when I started to see Ash trees dyeing in my woods I decide to cut them, and make timbers. Always fascinated by old timber frame Barns that was the start I needed.
I cut, sawed, stacked, lathed, and started my building plans.
The timber framing is Ash from my farm which has been in our family since 1951 when my parents purchased it.
When I was in high school I planted the white pine trees as part of my FFA project in 1966. My Dad helped me plant the trees, so a great memory of my Dad. My Dad took a old two bottom plow, and made it a one bottom, hooked on our 8n ford tractor, and plowed a furrow to plant the trees. I would like to think I was a good planner, and knew I would use the trees for lumber some day, but not sure I would have thought it was possible.
Once I had all my lumber l got my permits, and found a Barn builder interested in helping me build my barn. The builder was Amish who had his three sons, and a nephew on his crew. I had a neighbor Help me do the staining, and sorting the lumber. That took 16 days to build the barn with the Amish. I did some detail work after that, install windows, stairs, door hardware etc.
All of the above was the easy part.
Making decisions on design, stain, framing, and the right materials was the hard part. With the help from Aaron, and all the information from the Barn Geek i had all the information I needed. When I asked Aaron a question I received the answer the same day.
I appreciated all the help, and Will pass on any information from my experience.
– Gary Moseman
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Is it worth while to have a local sawmill cut some or all of my Barn Lumber or even do it myself?
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Barn Kits Avalible in 2024
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