Attention Chicken Peeps!!!
“How to Build the Perfect Backyard Chicken Coop
Without Spending a Fortune on a Pre Made Coop”
Watch the video below and I will explain the designs and why I started designing chicken coops…
“I didn’t know how to build anything before I got chickens…so it was nice to have simple plans and a cordless screw gun.. and it worked!” -Andy
Get An Entire Library of Chicken Coop Plans…
Right Now For Free!!!
Here is what some of our customers have said about us…..
Dan Orasi

Ryan E
Thanks for the plans!
Alan (Maine)

Bill (Virginia)
Tom n Barb (Tennessee )

Deb (Antelope Valley, CA)
The molding on the door is left over redwood fencing and will also cover each corner of the coop (girls like pretty). But for now, the girls love their new home. Now I have to clean out the stall in the barn they’ve been in for the past month…ugh 😉
A wise man once said, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”
If you can cut small boards with a hand saw, drive screws with a power screwdriver, and swing a hammer then you can build your own Chicken Coop with these plans.
7 Chicken Coop Plans For free!
Plus, access to the How To Build a Barn course!
Here is what you get in the Chicken Coop Plans Library…
- Video How to Guides: that will help you learn certain techniques and secret tricks that will help save you time, frustration, and most importantly money, while you are building your new chicken coop.
- The Plans: 7 complete sets of Chicken Coop plans that you can print as many times as you need. There is enough information on the plans for you to build your Chicken Coop from scratch. You will know exactly what size lumber you need, where to make your cuts.
- Materials Lists: No unnecessary trips to the hardware or lumber yard. Each Chicken Coop Plan includes a detailed materials list so that you will know exactly what materials you need to build that chicken coop.
Chicken Coop Plans Library
The white house
Project by Keith in E14 London UK We are a community garden in East London UK ( Greening Brownfield ) fb site if you are intrested. We have used your eggselent plan to build our coop. Hope you like it, all the materials have been donated from local redevelopment...
Trees 2 Treasures chicken coop
Project by Dan Orasi in Meridian I'm a woodworker, mostly furniture and custom cabinets. My girlfriend had been bugging me for months to build her a chicken coop. That's how I came across these plans. What a fun project, I loved every minute of it. Such a nice change...
We built this chicken coop slightly larger…
Project by Kelly in NJ We build this coop but goofed on the base so it ended up 5 x 7. Then we added more windows and vinyl flooring and still need to paint and trim it plus add bushes to the front. A front porch and ornate details.... Overall I'm happy I went with...
New Chicken Home
Thanks for the plans! I built a modified version of the Post and Beam coop (a foot wider in each direction, a foot taller) for my dozen or so girls. They love it! Thanks again.
Coop I made for Dave and Trisha
Project by Alan in Maine This is a coop I built for some friends. They are new to chickens and needed a predator proof coop in Maine. I used one inch rough cut hemlock for the whole project and shiplap for the roof. I have built coops before. This is the simplest set...
I think the chickens will enjoy their new hen house…
Project by Bill in Virginia Thank you so much for the awesome plans..... 🙂
Marans Coop
Project by Mark McLane in Columbia, SC Just wanted to say thanks for the great plans. Here's a few photos of my coop. My Black Copper Marans Love it and so does my wife.
The Coop
Project by Gary in Sullivan County , NY Having alot of fun building my coop with the help of my good friend Ken. We used old telephone pole cross arms for our legs and main beams across for the floor. A little over kill . I raised it up two feet so that I could close...
Wet Dog Chicken Coop
Project by Tom n Barb in Tennessee We used the plans provided and increased the size to 6x8, and added a second door for easy cleaning. We also Mae the windows smaller and added a chicken door. Metal roof with clear plastic sheet gives added light into the coop. It...