Create A Listing

Here is where you will create a listing.

 Note: Your email will not be visible unless you put it in the description.

Your Phone Number WILL be visible on the Listing if added.

Questions and Answers about listings and listing prices are below the creation form.

Contact [email protected] If you run into any issues.


Best Practices for listings are:

2-3 photos (excluding company listings)


You must choose a relevant category.

We reserve the right to cancel unfinished or incomplete listings.

Contact Information
Item Information
Listing Information
Pricing options will load once you select a Category.

What will be visible on my listing?

The title, anything you put in the description, the category, any photos you upload, as well as you phone number, price, and location.

Your email will NOT be visible.

There will be a contact form at the bottom of the listing for potential customers to reach you.

What Category Do I Choose?

Choose the category that most closely resembles the listing you want to make. If you are advertising a company be sure to choose one of those categories or your listing may be removed. 

You cannot put a company listing in the for sale by owner category.